Group Classes

Open Level Qigong

Appropriate for people of all ages and fitness levels, this class explores the flowing, relaxing and revitalizing exercises of Qigong. An ancient Chinese form of healing movement, Qigong has been proven to build lower body strength, increase joint flexibility, lower stress levels, and enhance the immune system. Easier to learn than Tai Chi and totally non-competitive, this class will leave you feeling calm yet energized.

Zoom class schedule:
Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday 9:30 AM EST. (see home page)

Free In Person Classes:
(also available on Zoom)
Every other Friday, 10 - 11 AM EST at Millbrook Library, Millbrook, NY. Register at

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Tao Yin
(Chinese Style Yoga)

Tao Yin is a lovely, relaxing and enlivening series of exercises somewhat similar to Yoga, but using flowing, curving movements instead of static poses. Tao Yin incorporates breath and mindfulness to deepen meditative benefits, and I will teach acupressure points to massage as you stretch, further enhancing the circulation of energy through the meridian system. You may be very surprised how well your stubbornly tight muscles and joints respond to this integrated approach! This class incudes standing and floor work.

Check Newsletters where upcoming Tao Yin and other workshops are announced.

Seasonal Qigong Practice

Seasonal changes in temperature and day length affect us, mind and body. Qigong teaches that whatever is happening in nature is reflected within us as well, and has evolved a unique and elegant series of exercises to capitalize on the different energies of each season. Seasonal Qigong includes exercises focused specifically on strengthening the organ system and emotions associated with the time of year, as well as acupressure points and meditations to connect deeply with the natural healing, nurturing energy of the season.

Currently offered at the Hotchkiss Library, Sharon, CT.

Strength Training, Qigong Style

Qigong builds strength, especially in the lower body. But is it enough? This is an important question to consider, especially if you are over 50, when it is imperative to address the natural decline in muscular strength (sarcopenia) that occurs unless we take action to reverse it. This class teaches how to build bone and muscular strength without causing unnecessary stress on the joints, by drawing on both Qigong techniques and exercises as well as classic strength training.

Check Newsletters for announcements of upcoming workshops.