Flowing Through the Election Craziness


Flowing Through the Election Craziness

Take a deep breath. Exhale. So simple, and yet it instantly resets our central nervous system to a place of calm. So does spending time, virtually or not, with friends and loved ones. That’s called “acquired qi”. It’s what happened last week when I stood in line with my friend Meredith and about 2,ooo other neighbors, waiting to vote. The air was electric and afterwards we literally danced our way out from the polling place, cheering with the others still in line.

 We acquire not so healthy qi from around us, too, such as when we listen to inflammatory rhetoric; even if we agree with the premise, the way it is delivered fuels our fight/flight/freeze response. That stress can take us hostage if we’re not vigilant. It burns up our energy and skews our perspective, making it difficult to find a calm center midst the storms around us.

Keep shaking and exhaling and venting and stretching and visualizing it OUT everybody! Do it with a group of fun, interesting, friendly men and women and it works even better! Three mornings a week our Qigong Zoom class gathers, we stir up revitalizing, healing, comforting energy together and always feel better afterwards. Please join us: it’s an all-levels class and beginners are always welcome.

Cris CaivanoComment