Fueling Your Creative Engine
Fueling Your Creative Engine
Our fellow “Qi-gonger” Meredith Stone sent me this drawing from her journal and I just had to share it with you. I love the playfulness and the freedom of it. Meredith isn’t a trained artist but she has so much energy that it bubbles out of her and into all sorts of creative projects. This drawing reminds us that we each have tremendous creative potential which can be cultivated through our Qigong practice.
Think of it this way: stress locks up our energy and prevents it from circulating where it could do us some good. When we move, breathe, imagine, relax…you know, all the stuff we do in class…that creative(energy) potential is freed up and can then be used for whatever life requires from us at the moment: whether that is physical healing, inventive thinking, problem solving, or keeping our emotional footing during a challenge. Doing Qigong is like putting fuel into your creative engine. Try it next time you have a problem that you don’t quite know how to tackle. Take some slow, deep breaths, do a few stretches, spiral and circulate some of that endless source of life-affirming energy through your mind, body and spirit, and see what happens.
Wishing you all a healthy, joyful and loving New Year. I look forward to cultivating lots of good, creative energy together with you in 2021 !