The Dao-licious Qi Community Cookbook
The surfeit of good energy in our Qigong class has led us to decide to begin compiling a cookbook of our favorite recipes. The idea bubbled up spontaneously before class on Thursday and immediately caught fire. Think of it this way: the Fire element represents the heart energy of love and compassion, so these will be recipes we enjoy cooking to keep ourselves and our loved ones happy and healthy. And, of course, the Earth element, representing digestion and nourishment, is well served by healthy, sustaining food. Many of us turn to cooking and baking for bodily and spiritual sustenance. It’s a wonderful way to contribute positive qi to the world--who doesn’t appreciate the offer of a homemade meal? Tis the season!
We’re in the planning stages for our Dao-licious Recipes right now. Please join us this Wednesday at 4 PM EST to share a cup of tea and your ideas, or just to keep us company. (Use the usual Zoom link etc.) Even if you hate cooking, join us and let us know what you love to eat. Dark days or no, we’ll keep our spirits bright!