Bring it Outside

Now that the weather is warming up it’s the perfect opportunity to practice Qigong the way it was designed to be practiced: outside in nature. If you’ve never done Qigong out of doors, you’re in for a real treat. Whether in a city park, the beach, the woods, or your own back yard, feeling the light of the sun on your face and the earth under your feet will automatically encourage you to take slow, deep, relaxed breaths; this brings you instantly into the present moment.  Try to stand near a large body of water if you can, or find a tree to stand beneath. Do a little “knocking on the door of life” or “spinal cord breathing”, or whatever movements call to you. Surrounded by the aliveness of nature waking up in springtime will help you feel connected to the qi that’s all around you and within you.  Breathe it in; feel it circulate through your mind, body, and spirit, bringing you clarity, peace, and healthy, balanced vitality. Happy Spring!

Announcement: This week and next I will teach an additional 30-45 minutes of Tao Yin floor stretches immediately following class on Thursdays and Sundays. As always, donations are optional; bring your good energy!

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