Happy Lunar New Year
According to the Chinese calendar, Tuesday’s new moon marks the start of the year of the Water Tiger. In Five Element theory, the Tiger is associated with the wood element - the energy of growth, flexibility, and the strength to push through obstacles like a seed pushing through the earth. We practice Tiger exercises to transform negative energy into positive, and put our hands on the heads of two imaginary White Tigers to firm up our balance skills, feeling the grounded, feline strength of their support beneath our palms.
We also know from Five Element Theory (and life) that water grows wood, so in 2022 the power of the Tiger is further nourished by the Water element. The two elements are in harmony, signifying support for growth and positive change in the new year. It’s a nice concept to keep in mind as we move our way through February, cultivating our ability to flow like water as we grow in flexibility, strength, resilience, and bravery. I look forward to practicing some fun and inspiring Tiger moves with you all week. Happy New Year!