“The darkest evening of the year”

Winter is upon us here in the Northern hemisphere. Just as in nature, where autumn is about the energy of letting go, winter is now a good time to turn inward, nourish our spirit, rest, and rejuvenate. We store up our energy, like squirrels stashing nuts and acorns in their nests. As we follow the cycles of nature and honor the Yin energy that supports stillness, rest, and reflection, we are better prepared for spring, when the growth cycle returns along with longer days.

Water is the element associated with winter. Water sinks in to the deepest places. Like energy, it follows the path of least resistance. As long as water is flowing, it doesn’t freeze up or get stagnant and sick. We need to keep moving and flowing during wintertime, as well! In our Qigong classes this week, we’ll continue to work on exercises that nourish the water energy within us such as Bone Breathing, the Turtle, and specific movements from the powerful Yi Jin Jing cycle. These exercises strengthen our bones, brain, and vitality, as well as our ability to relax and rest. What a comfort it is to work in partnership with nature and each other during these dark, cold days!  It’s also a powerful way to keep our inner flames strong and bright during this festive (and often challenging) season.  Happy Solstice Everyone! 

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