Intro to Acupressure

Many of you have reported how much you enjoy learning acupressure massage points during our Qigong classes. I love hearing how helpful this simple, non-invasive practice has been to you. Now I’m excited to invite you to join me on Saturday, May 14 for a “deeper dive” into learning some of the major acupressure points and understanding how to use them with confidence to promote your health and well-being.

Acupressure therapy developed over 5000 years ago as an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. According to TCM, energy flows through 12 major meridian pathways in the body. When doing acupressure, we use our fingers and hands to massage specific points along those meridians, encouraging better circulation through them. It’s easy, safe, and surprisingly effective for the relief of pain as well as symptoms ranging from low energy to high blood pressure, from hay fever to numb feet.  Recent evidence-based studies continue to prove that acupressure is effective all by itself and also enhances conventional medical treatments, helping them be more successful

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