Upcoming Autumn Events and New Workshop Announcement

Hello Friends!

Please mark your calendars for a brand new “Six Healing Sounds” workshop, on Saturday, October 22, from 10:30-12 EST. We use a few healing sounds in each of our Qigong classes, but this will be a chance to practice all of the sounds and learn how each one can be used in a specific way to transform different sorts of stress into vitality and health. It’s a powerful yet relatively simple way to focus the vibration of healing energy wherever and however you may need it.  The six healing sounds not only dissolve and flow away stress in a targeted way, but then replace that negative energy with its opposite, positive, and healing qi. Like a toolbox of healing hums!

I became a true believer in this practice in 2012, as I entered the operating room at HSS to have my broken knee repaired. I knew it would be a long and complicated procedure and was feeling a lot of fear. While awaiting the anesthesiologist, I quietly repeated the sound and visualized the color for transforming fear into inner peace. It immediately lowered my blood pressure and calmed me down. You can use the healing sounds anywhere, any time. They’re particularly effective for letting let go of stress at the end of the day, enabling deep, restorative sleep. To join this workshop, please drop me an email: cris@criscaivano.com. As always, the $25 donation for the workshop will include a down-loadable video so you may practice on your own afterwards.

Other events to look forward to:

Qigong for Gardeners at Innisfree, October 8, 2-3 PM. Be sure to register ahead of time to reserve a spot at this popular event. Innisfreegarden.org. Free for NE Dutchess county residents!

Cris CaivanoComment