Do you suffer from CRS?
Do you suffer from CRS? It usually flares up this time of year, but isn’t necessarily seasonal. Some blame it on age because it often worsens as we grow older. CRS is annoying, stressful, and depressing: it’s Can’t Remember Sh*t. There is plenty of information out there about problems with memory, but Chinese medicine offers some different perspectives. I share a few with you below: consider them energetic appetizers for the holidays.
1) Shake, rattle and roll. Stress interferes with memory. This is well documented. If you find yourself standing there with a blank look on your face wondering why you walked into a room, don’t get mad at yourself. Take some deep breaths. Circle your shoulders, shake out your arms and let it go. Those are all quick ways to dissipate stress so you can calm down and think more clearly.
2) Rub your tummy. With hand-over-hand, gently and slowly rub your tummy in a circular direction. Either direction is fine. Take deep breaths as you do this, and imagine that the distractions and pressures of your thoughts and worries are draining down and dissolving into a calm, clear, underground lake, deep in your lower abdomen. Take your time. Enjoy feeling how the distractions of your mind can transform into a sense of centeredness and clarity as they flow downward into the “water center” of our lower dan tien (energy center).
3) Allow time to digest your emotions as well as that pumpkin pie. I love how Qigong teaches us that emotions need to be processed the same way our food does. If stress, conflict, anxiety or other emotions are flaring up, you will probably have difficulty with both your digestion as well as your ability to think clearly. Notice when your stomach clenches into a knot, or gets upset or nauseated. Take a compassion break: give yourself a moment to acknowledge those roiled up thoughts and emotions. Take a breath through your nose, let it out through your mouth. That’s called a “cleansing breath” and it will help you release stress so you can deal with whatever is “on your plate” at the moment. Repeat as necessary.
4) Join me Thanksgiving morning for Qigong class! Yes, I’m teaching on Thursday. It’s a wonderful opportunity to take the time to get centered, calm, and energized for the day ahead. Gratitude is a powerful energy, and I am so grateful to all of you who dedicate the hours whenever you can, to join me in cultivating more good qi. Happy Thanksgiving Qi-sters!