The Natural Antibiotic Point

Self acupressure is a good way to keep your energy strong as the days grow short and various respiratory ailments start to “go around”.  Large Intestine 11, “Crooked Pond”, is an easy point to locate and activate to support your immune system. Its nickname is the “natural antibiotic point” because it is the go-to point for releasing pathogens that may have snuck past our protective “wei qi field” (physical immunity). Large Intestine 11 is used to release excess heat in the body, whether in the form of inflammation, sore throat, fever, rashes, or even hot flashes. These are only a few of its myriad benefits.  As such, it’s sometimes referred to as a “celebrity point”. Its efficacy is famous! 😊

If you’re battling a cold or have come down with something already, try this simple exercise: Cross your arms and use your fingers to massage the LI 11 point on the opposite elbow. As you do so, slowly inhale and raise your arms to about chin height, then exhale as you slowly lower them. Do this at a really comfortable, natural pace for about a minute or two. It should feel relaxing and pleasant. Harness the power of your mind and imagine how activating this point is strengthening your body’s protective, healing energy. (This isn’t necessary for it to work, but it will enhance the effect.)

To see a short video demonstrating this and other immune-boosting points, go to my website,, click on “Videos”, and look for “Acupressure Points to Tune Up Your Immune System”.  A votre santé !  

Cris CaivanoComment