Ever since our very first Zoom Qigong class back in March, 2020, I’ve committed to our group being a true collaboration. Back then, entering the scary territory of the pandemic, the classes enabled us to realize that we all shared the challenges of how to deal with such a stressful time.  As we got to know each other and the Qigong technique, we noticed that breathing, moving, letting go of stress, and returning to the present moment always left us feeling better. Your participation was key! It helped me shape the classes and choose the material we covered, and it still does. 

The collaborative process continued on Saturday, during our acupressure workshop. Several of you shared the great results you’ve gotten by practicing specific points, and your questions and comments helped inspire us all to incorporate acupressure into daily life. This led me to think about creating an Acupressure Circle, a group that would meet regularly (once a month?) to learn and explore how acupressure helps to connect and heal mind and body. I think it would be nice to choose one topic at a time (mental clarity/memory, or back pain, or insomnia, or…) and learn the acupressure points, healing sounds, and movements to help open the healing flow to address those specific topics. Sound good? I’m curious to know your thoughts and suggestions. Please write to me with your ideas and requests:

Qigong (energy, and how to shape and cultivate it) is everything, basically. And Chinese medicine is as complicated as anything I've studied. So, put them together and there's a LOT to learn! But, there’s no hurry. Our classes and targeted workshops are great because we can have a little extra time to explore and become familiar with a few, specific aspects of the practice. This gives us more road signs, to guide our continuing journey into living full, healthy, joyful lives.

Cris CaivanoComment