Spontaneous Qigong
I look forward to practicing with you after what was, for me, a wonderful month off, filled with reading, weeding, a bit of travel, and lots of qi. I hope you’re all doing well too.
A question: did you “catch” yourself doing Qigong spontaneously at any point? Maybe while taking in a beautiful sunset, or inhaling the sweetness of a garden? Yesterday, as I watched the Wappinger’s Creek flow over some river grass, I began to copy the horizontal undulation of the grass with my arms. It felt really nice, very calming, as if I were dancing with the river. I noticed how the movement naturally moved from my arms through my shoulders, to my back, and then down my legs into my feet and the Earth below them. It felt both rooted and free- flowing, much like the river grass itself. The phrase “Qi begins under the feet, travels up through the legs, is steered by the waist and expressed through the arms” came to me. None of this was pre-meditated or thought out. I was doing spontaneous Qigong! I took it as a sign from the Tao that it is definitely time to get back and share some qi with you.