Love ‘em or dread ‘em, the holidays are here. These times whip up tremendous energy and excitement. How we harness and steer this energy is up to us. It helps to see ourselves as containing intelligent systems that are deeply, inextricably integrated. For instance, if our mind or spirit is taxed or troubled, we can bet this will affect our mood, appetite, sleeping, and ability to fight infections. Let’s say you’re hosting Thanksgiving and are worried about x, y, and especially z. An overactive (worried, anxious, obsessive) mind depletes spleen/Earth energy, and thus messes with digestion (which is ruled by the spleen). It also interferes with the ability to stay centered, grounded, clear-headed.
Remember, energy is always moving. The energy within us wants to flow and move with health and vitality. Problems occur when it speeds up excessively or grows too strong in one part of us (our emotional, physical or spiritual/mental self) and pulls or overwhelms energy from other resources within. So too, when our energy slows down or stagnates, it blocks that natural, healing flow of energy within, just like a pile of leaves and twigs can block a mountain stream.
It’s a complex and intricate system, this Traditional Chinese Medicine, one requiring many years of study. Here’s a simple way to keep your wise, internal healer happily humming and flowing during the coming months: Take little breaks throughout your day and look for a sense of space within. Space allows movement. Space gives perspective. Space brings healing. People who have a sense of space within carry much less stress. They’re nice to be around. How do you cultivate this wonderful resource? Breathe. Breathe like it’s the best, most delicious, nourishing, transformative treat imaginable, because it is!