We’ve had fun playing with some new Dragon inspired exercises in class this past week. It feels really good to practice embodying the characteristics of a mythic animal, especially one as brave, confident, and benevolent as the Dragon. This is not the evil dragon of Western fairy tales, but rather the magnificent, powerful creature of the ancient mythologies of China and the East. This dragon loves us. It wants nothing more than to protect and bestow health, longevity, and prosperity through its creative, flexible solutions to our biggest problems.
We’re still living in the year of the Wood Dragon, for those of you who like to view life through an astrological lens. This year promised (and delivered) lots of changes and challenges to our inner peace. Living through change is often demanding, but this year has driven some of us into a state of fearful anxiety about the future. Add to this the usual stresses of the season, and I say it’s a good time to call on our inner dragons!
Dragons are resourceful. They figure out ways to spiral over, around, or through obstacles. Like the roots of a healthy tree, their flexibility and suppleness of spirit create paths toward life-affirming solutions. Qigong’s Dragon exercises strengthen our physical health and resilience, but perhaps even more importantly, remind us to meet life’s changes with fluidity, pliability, and confidence.
So, how do you feed your inner Dragon? By connecting to people, places, and things that deeply, soulfully nourish your heart, and restore your sense of peace, confidence, and joy. Spending time outside in nature is always a good bet: It returns us to our roots, centers and grounds us, and dissolves the fearful, helpless patterns we get stuck in when locked up in our anxious, repetitive thoughts. Connecting with others with the loving intention of shifting the focus from the narrow and negative to a wider perspective of possibility (like the Flying Dragon, with its panoramic view of the world below), is another way to nurture our benevolent dragon powers. Personally, I attended two beautiful concerts in two days. Sitting with friends, soaking up the soul-feeding music, I enjoyed a delicious, strengthening feast of good energy, one I look forward to sharing with you this coming week with more new, fun, and encouraging Dragon exercises!