Why Qigong Never Gets Boring
Playing Qigong at Millbrook Library.
Free every other Frday.
Recently, I read a blog that discussed two different expressions for participating in Qigong: We can say we “practice Qigong” or we can say we “play Qigong”. This isn’t a matter of right or wrong, but rather one’s perspective on the process of cultivating energy. As you might guess if you take my classes, I am drawn to the concept of playing Qigong. I learned from my beloved philosophy professor at Columbia University, Dr. Maxine Greene, that play is the seedbed of creativity, and imagination is its sun, rain, and fertilizer. Perhaps most importantly she taught that when creating, whether in the arts, healing, or even politics, we must be able to imagine change first in order to open the door to its realization.
Each time we play Qigong, we have unlimited options to experiment with as we fashion our own, unique version of whatever exercise we are doing. We can focus on how the breath finds the movement, or how the movement finds the breath; we can feel the vibrations of the sounds we vocalize, or make as we tap against our limbs, and visualize how those vibrations help to loosen stuck unhealthy energy. Even when standing still we can play with the idea of sensing the movement within the stillness, just as we experiment (another important aspect of creative play) with sensing the stillness within the movement.
Maybe this is why Qigong never feels stale or boring to me. It’s an open field of unlimited possibilities for creating fresh, new opportunities to become more energized, clear-headed, inspired, and even joyful. What’s more fun than that?
Don’t forget: There is a full library of my FREE videos, both short and long, on my website and also at Cris Caivano YouTube. Please take advantage of these whenever you need a shot of qi!