Our Stories
I love serendipity. How can you not? Recently, I was treated to a bolt of serendipity via the “People Before Patients” program. We were discussing the stories about ourselves that we grew up with: the consciously or unconsciously absorbed messages from our families, culture, media, schooling, etc. that shape our confidence and self-image for as long as we buy into them; sometimes for life. I had a doozy: “You are only as valuable as you are thin and talented” was the story from my dance training from age 9 onward. Sick. But, as I am learning, it is only a story.
What’s your story? I know some of you believe(d) you “aren’t coordinated”, or “can’t balance”, or “can’t relax”. Maybe---definitely, from my observation! —you’re seeing that those beliefs are just forms of energy that became stuck, whether in your mind, your heart, or your body. By breathing, moving, practicing with the wide, calm perspective of a bird coasting on air currents far above the earth, we learn that our stories are ephemeral. They form and dissolve as continually as clouds.
Qigong teaches us it’s all energy. The essence of energy is to move and change, like the vibrations of subatomic particles. It’s when energy stagnates, that we run into trouble. Stuck energy is like an unconsciously repeated, unconsciously- accepted- as- true, story. Does this make sense to you? Do you have a story that you’re ready to dissolve? I’d love to hear about it.