The Mystery of Time

“And then, one fairy night, May became June.”

                                               F. Scott Fitzgerald


Today begins the second round of explorations with the Canadian think tank “People Before Patients”. In this unit we will be learning and conversing about the concept of time. I’m looking forward to it!  Enthusiastic anticipation is one way to deal with time. I also worry that I may not have enough time for “Time”.  Worry, is of course, a complete waste of time, since no one can predict the future (not that that stops me from trying.)

At the same time, I’ve been savoring a wonderful, wise quote from novelist Maxine Hong Kingston:

“In a way, I don’t believe in old age. I hear people say, “this hurts” or “that hurts,” and they attribute that pain to old age. It’s not age. Age is just time going by, and that’s very mysterious.”

Time, age, change: it’s all a big mystery. How did May become June so quickly? Could it really be 5 (or 50) years since I last saw you? Where did the time go?

Spiritual masters teach that the best we can do to deal with the paradox of time, is to be in the present moment. When feeling pushed or pulled by too much or too little time, simply return to your center, to calm, grounded presence. It will give you the strength and perspective to deal less stressfully with whatever you are experiencing.  

Speaking of time, June and July are busy months for me, with several exciting new options for you to enjoy. Please take a moment to check the schedule, below. I would love to see you at one or all of them!

Schedule for June

Free, live, in-person/ online Qigong: Fridays June 7 and 21,10-11 AM, at the lovely Bennett Park in Millbrook! Be sure to stay tuned to your library announcements from Gabi in case we need to meet indoors. To join, please register at PS: Participation through Zoom will continue, whether indoors or out.

FREE in-person Qigong at Hotchkiss Library, Sharon, CT: Saturday June 8, 10:30-12. Please register by calling (860)364-5041. Weather permitting we’ll practice outside, so please dress appropriately.

Online Qigong classes are cancelled Thursday, June 13 and Sunday, June 16, as I’ll be travelling.

Community Dance Jam, Saturday June 22, 11 AM. Love to dance, but afraid you look like a dork? Learn fun Latin rhythms and cool, basic dance moves to free up your inner dancer! Please register at Your optional donation of 15.oo (or whatever you choose to donate) will be shared with the library.

NEW EVENT!  Moving Through the Tao Te Ching: Poetry, Garden, and Body as One

Jun 29, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM 

Together we’ll walk through the lovely gardens of Innisfree. We’ll pause at several points to hear brief passages read from the timeless Taoist poem “The Tao Te Ching” and I will lead you in Qigong movements specifically chosen and inspired by the passage and the beauty of nature around us. No experience necessary!  Wear comfortable clothes and enjoy the magic of the gardens, Qigong, and Lao Tzu’s evergreen wisdom.

Advance registration highly encouraged! Please email


Zoom Qigong Classes
Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday at 9:30 am EST

If you are joining us for the first time, please subscribe to my website:

There is no commitment, single classes may be taken whenever you like

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