
Winter solstice is a week away. Here in Dutchess County daylight lasts only 9 hours. Sunset and our afternoon tea break are happening at the same time! One gift of the quarantine is the opportunity to slow down enough to notice and savor this early darkness.


 Interestingly, the Chinese pictograph for winter is the sun enclosed in an upside-down bottle. It shows that winter is a time to pull in, to stay warm. Nature is moving into a state of hibernation and stillness; the trees have shed their leaves and even the squirrels are slowing down and curling up in their nests. We can follow nature’s lead by taking time each day to turn inward:  to rest, meditate, and find a deep, nourishing, warm place within ourselves where we can connect to and replenish our energy. In our Qigong classes we’ll practice moving like flowing water—relaxed, unforced, and gently, progressively growing stronger as we store up our internal energy. Just like sunshine in that upside-down bottle.

Cris CaivanoComment