Qigong with Cris, Some Audience Questions and My Answers
Some questions I’ve received recently:
Q: “I’ve never done anything like Yoga or Qigong. Can I join your class?”
A: Sure! It’s easy to follow, and no previous experience is needed. New people join every week!
Q: Do I have to take every class, or can I do it once a week?
A: Take as many or as few classes as you desire. That being said, learning Qigong is a lot like learning a language: the more often you practice, the easier it will be to “speak” it in a natural, relaxed way. I suggest taking more than one class a week if you can, especially at the start. It will make it easier to absorb the exercises and feel the qi.
Q: Can I do Qigong even though my rotator cuff (or low back, or knees or…) is bothering me?
A: If it’s OK with your doctor, it’s OK with me! Done thoughtfully and with relaxed awareness, Qigong can encourage healing and recovery. Always modify exercises when necessary by doing them more slowly, or in a smaller range of movement; do fewer repetitions, or skip them all together if you choose. Many of the exercises can even be done sitting in a chair or holding onto a support. Some movements may feel challenging, but shouldn’t be uncomfortable. This is not a competitive class!
Q: I need to work on my balance. Do you do that in your class?
A: I LOVE teaching balance, and Qigong has some exercises that are brilliant for building balance skills. They’re fun, too.
As always, thank you so much for your donations to keep our class going! Your donation of $10-- or whatever you can afford-- can be paid through PayPal, or mailed to me, Cris Caivano; P.O. Box 84, Clinton Corners, NY 12514. If you can’t afford to make a donation, please join us anyway. We need and appreciate your qi!
Keep the good energy flowing, everyone 😊