Opportunity from Crisis


Opportunity from Crisis

I’ve learned some of my best lessons from my injuries: why it’s important not to be distracted while on a ladder, for example (!) During the present pandemic crisis, you and I have the opportunity to spin the restriction of social distancing into the gold of practicing Qigong together online. This somewhat confining medium actually gives us a lot of new freedoms including the opportunity to try different things, make new friends, and keep our bodies, minds and spirits strong during a weird time.

I was inspired recently to begin making videos customized to my online students’ questions and requests. This is a brand-new opportunity for us, one that sets our class apart. For instance, Glenna needed more instruction on exactly how to do the “Teacups” exercise.

"Teacups" or "single-arm spirals" bring flow and flexibility into all the joints. This brief video explains how to do them with ease.

So, I shot a video for her and everyone else who finds that wonderful exercise kind of confusing.  Jane and several others of us have knee issues, so I shot a video called “Qi Massage for the Knees”. All videos are free, they’re brief, and they are or will be posted on my website.

Please let me know if there is an exercise need more help with and I’ll make a video for you, too!


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