Qi Hospitality
Chinese Pavillion in Montreal Botanical Gardens
Years ago, the first time I went to a “real” Tai Chi/Qigong studio in NYC (as opposed to a gym class) I was struck by the relaxed, warm welcome I received. Instead of a registration desk, I found a cozy couch and a coffee table with a tea pot and bowl of trail mix, which the studio manager urged me to enjoy. Later that year in a workshop with renowned teacher Kenneth Cohen, I may have learned as much about “wu wei” (effortless action) from drinking tea with him and the other students as I had from the course. This is one reason why I enjoy and appreciate our “Tea and Qi” sessions. We’re carrying on an ancient tradition of sharing qi while enjoying the comfort of a cup of tea and each other’s company.
I will always be a student. I learn so much from watching you learn and listening to your insights. We’re each finding our own, individual paths through Qigong: this is the way it always works.
By sharing discoveries of how it permeates, lights up and heals different parts of our lives in its subtle, deep way, we come to recognize its presence more quickly. It’s like we’re gently sharpening our tools of awareness.
From the day we began, I considered our Qigong class as a workshop where, as a group, we would develop our own “flavor” of Qigong. And it’s happening! It’s wonderful! Thank you all so much for your inspiration and good energy!