
Nineteen months after starting these Zoom Qigong classes, we’re still living, breathing, worrying, and coping our way through the Covid pandemic, and we aren’t out of the woods yet. It has been a tremendous blessing to have our Qigong community to help us stay centered, relaxed, and strong—thank you very much for being part of it!

From the beginning of the pandemic, I checked in regularly with pioneering pulmonary rehab specialist Noah Greenspan to see what he advised for navigating safely through the confusion and fear. He has consistently been ahead of the curve and correct in his advice about how to stay healthy, or recover if you do get sick.  He just released this excellent 35-minute documentary explaining the terrible problem of Long Haul symptoms. In his inimitable way he offers information, hope, and heart. I really recommend it. PS: I met and worked with Noah and his staff as Brian Tzrasko’s assistant during a “Qigong for Pulmonary Health” training. Noah strongly values Qigong and other moving meditations for regaining and maintaining respiratory health. (Keep your eyes open for the person doing “Drawing Down the Heavens”in the film!)

The documentary “Long Haul” is free to view at URBANFLIXTOGO. You will be required to sign up for a free 30- day trial in order to view the film. It’s worth the trouble. A trailer is available HERE.

Cris CaivanoComment