Moving Into May


Nature seems to be moving quickly these early spring days! Each time I check on my garden something new has popped up or begun to bloom. In early May these changes are easy to see, but it’s good to remember that energy is constantly changing: that’s its nature. Movement, transformation, continual forming, dissolving, and re-forming---that’s us, too! Our cells, our emotions, and our thoughts are in continual metamorphis.  In Qigong we practice diving deep into the present moment. The more we practice, the easier it becomes to feel these changes as they happen. We fine-tune our body wisdom and clarify the lens through which we observe the world around us and within us. No matter how intense the change may feel, we can rest and refresh our energy by reconnecting to a sense of calmness at our center. This is a powerful tool to keep us healthy, happy, and blooming.

As always, thank you so much for your energy and support. It’s an inspiration to see how beautifully you are moving as we continue to work and learn together.

Cris CaivanoComment