
Yesterday I enjoyed being a total beginner again: I had my first lesson in how to hit a tennis ball. Now, I am not a sports person. The only experience I have in hand-eye coordination comes from Qigong and dance. Guess what? It helped! Those skills were there, waiting to be transferred to an entirely new activity. Of course, I also had to remember how to hold the racket, where to stand, how to judge the bounce, etc.. It was a real challenge but felt like it was clearing cobwebs out of a place in my mindbody that had been neglected.

 This might be what new-comers to our Qigong class are feeling, too. There is much to learn! “So many moving parts” as one of my students used to say. It’s helpful to know that basic movement principles are always the same, whatever the activity: breathe, relax, move from the center of your body, feel grounded, shift the weight, stay in the present. In essence, when you’re in the present you always have the fresh, new energy of a beginner.  Just for fun, see how this applies to whatever you’re doing, whether carrying groceries, walking the dog, or vacuuming your rugs. Let me know if you can feel a little Qigong in whatever you’re up to.

Cris CaivanoComment