“Tea and Qi” get-together on Zoom, Thursday October 7, 4PM


Over the past 18 months our Zoom Qigong classes have grown to be a touchstone for well-being during the pandemic. They’re a great way to stay connected and bring healing energy into our homes. I’m grateful each time someone writes to tell me “This class is a life-changer, I depend on it”, because I feel the same way! Qigong is much more than an hour of exercise. It’s a way to stay in balance, harmony, and health-- in spirit as well as in our muscles, joints, and organ systems.


It’s been a while since we all sat down together (on Zoom) and had a good catch-up over a cup of tea. This is a nice way to share discoveries, ask about things that have piqued our curiosity, and get to know our fellow Qi-sters a little better. I invite you to join me for tea on Thursday October 7, at 4 PM, using the usual class link.  Grab your pets, invite your friends if you’d like, make a cup of tea or whatever, and we’ll kick back and have a good Qi chat together. This is free, of course: just bring your good energy. Meanwhile, see you in class this week!  

Cris CaivanoComment