A Moving Hinge Never Rusts
Teaching the Healing Sounds Workshop last Saturday reminded me what a rich and powerful experience Qigong is. The combination of vocalized sound along with movement, breath, and color really shakes things up and dislodges stuck energy. As Marion M. said afterwards, “Wow! Just…wow!”
I look forward to offering more deep dives into understanding and experiencing Qigong’s unique contribution to physical, mental, and emotional fitness. This fall and winter I’m planning special workshops on how to strengthen and nourish the muscles, bones, joints, and connective tissues “Qigong style”. It’s imperative to keep strengthening our physical body (known as “jing” essence), especially as we grow older. That was the topic of the book I was commissioned to write back in 2008, and it is still current news. My feeling is that strengthening Qigong style is MUCH more enjoyable and effective than conventional methods. “A moving hinge never rusts” is a Taosist saying, and “Use it or lose it” could well have been one, too. The first of these targeted workshops will be “Healthy Feet and Ankles” planned for Saturday, November 19.
Remember, our goal—and it’s a challenging one --- is to regain the ability to move with effortless ease, like a young, flexible child. It’s is an on-going practice for us all, from absolute Qi-ster novice to those with years of experience. This challenge never grows old.