How to have a Qi-ful Thanksgiving

Hi Friends!

I love teaching around the holidays. There’s so much to deal with!  When faced with the many blessings of decision making, planning, travels, gathering with others (or not), preparation, and last but not least, feasting, we have multiple opportunities to use what we’ve practiced in class. This week I’ll share Qigong tips to keep anxiety and stress levels low and digestion healthy throughout the holidays. (Remember, no class on Thanksgiving, but I will be teaching the following Sunday.) 

The topic of Qigong and digestive health reminds me of my first visit to a serious Tai Chi/Qigong studio in NYC. I was surprised to see a bowl of nuts on the table in the reception area. Even more surprised to be invited a few weeks later to a celebratory dinner for the founder of the studio, where we sat around a big table in Chinatown and feasted our way through about 20 courses. Food is one of the main sources of qi, as is enjoying the company of good people. So is expressing gratitude - in that case for the founding father of the studio, and for each other for keeping the energy strong. Traditional Chinese medicine has an interesting and unique approach to digestive health, and it’s very effective. I’ll teach you how you can bring this healthy flow into your holidays.  

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