Any holiday that celebrates love is a good one in my opinion, even without the chocolates, cards and flowers. In Five Element Qigong, the heart holds and expresses the energy of love, gratitude, acceptance, patience, and compassion, along with playfulness and joy. These are good qualities to focus on any day of the year.
An easy Qigong practice to cultivate healthy heart energy is to smile, as often as possible. Laughing is even better. It will instantly lower your stress and raise your energy, and do the same for everyone around you. It’s one of the most powerful healing practices --and fun, too. This week I’ll teach several good acupressure points for heart energy, a great exercise to lower blood pressure, and some of the most beautiful flows in Qigong to nurture and support the powerful, healing energy of the heart. These practices also help promote deep, restful sleep, as it’s said the heart rules our sleep.