“Where there is flow there is no pain.”

Acupuncturists studying to earn their license are instructed to repeat the following phrase daily: “Where there is pain, there is no flow. Where there is flow, there is no pain.” Such a simple yet profound way to address the stagnant, stressful, overheated or undernourished situations we sometimes find ourselves in. Let’s say a vivid thought is keeping you awake at night, or worry is making it hard to concentrate on what you’re doing. Maybe your back, or hip, or knee is aching and putting you in a bad mood. How do you get back into the flow then?  It always helps to take three or four deep, slow, nourishing breaths.  If at the same time you massage a few acupressure points on your hands or feet, the soothing circulation flows even more.  Simply looking out the window at the sky or trees can instantly change your perspective and unfreeze that feeling of “stuckness”.  You’ll know you’ve succeeded in opening the flow when you find yourself breathing more freely, or even sighing in relief. Maybe a sensation of calm warmth will begin to radiate through you. That’s when you can be comforted to know your inner intelligence is back on track, keeping you healthy and connected to the healing current of life.

You may have your own favorite ways to get back into the flow. I’d love to hear what they are! Please write to me or add your comments below-- I’ll share them in a future newsletter.

Cris CaivanoComment