It’s spring here in the Northeast, a time of growth and new beginnings. At the same time, the escalating violence and tragedy in Western Europe is never far from our minds. What to do? We can channel the energy of spring, as exemplified by the wood element. When that energy is flowing and healthy it brings resilience, creative solutions, kindness, generosity. When misdirected or stuck, however, the wood energy can be dangerously volatile, like a highly flammable log added to an already hotly burning fire.

The answer is, as always, to keep the energy moving. Like Steve, write it out as poetry; like Carol and Wendy, focus on gratitude for having gotten through similarly scary, although different challenges. The wood element in Qigong helps us keep our inner vision clear and focused. It reminds us of our ability to cultivate groundedness and flexibility, like a strong, pliant tree bending with the winds. All week we’ll work on this in class. We’re in it together, just as with other challenges we’ve faced and gotten through. Keep breathing, keep moving, and keep that good energy flowing through you and all around you!

Cris CaivanoComment