Good Energy In…

This morning while waiting for the coffee to brew, I ran water into a dirty bowl in the sink. I watched as the gunk stuck on the bowl began to swirl around, clouding the water. As clean water continued to pour in, the gunk began to wash out until only clear, fresh water filled the bowl. What a perfect metaphor for Qigong!

As we practice together, we focus on breathing in new, clear energy. We swirl and spiral it around, allowing the old, excess or unhelpful energy to loosen and drain away. This happens quite naturally, just like that dirty bowl got washed clean. In essence, the good energy replaces the old, stuck stuff.  There simply isn’t room for negativity or stress to lodge. We begin to feel encouraged, relaxed, more motivated. Maybe even joyful! It happens naturally, without much effort.

These are tough times. There is a lot of energy out there, much of it quite disturbing.  Too much stress, sadness, and anger can start to get stuck and gunk up our own energy systems and health, making it difficult to function, make clear decisions, even to sleep. However, by practicing Qigong together we get centered and learn how to let go of the stress that’s only jamming things up, not helping us accomplish anything.  That’s powerful! It’s how we can get through these challenges, just as we’re getting through the pandemic. I am SO grateful to be able to share this practice with you!

Cris CaivanoComment