Last Friday, March 4, the Chinese seasonal calendar marked the “Awakening of Insects”. As the insects wake up, the birds return. Spring is definitely on its way! If your back needs a bit of a tune-up before returning to vigorous springtime activities, please join me for future Healthy Back and Hips Workshops on Zoom which will be announced in these newsletters. I’ll explain how to strengthen your core and spinal muscles safely, how to develop awareness of healthy postural alignment, and how to modify movements to avoid injury.  

These informative workshops will be a blend of the best exercises I know from all the styles I’ve taught and studied, from West to East, with an emphasis on how to do them safely and correctly. There will be plenty of time for questions. I especially recommend this workshop for anyone concerned with osteoporosis or osteopenia: you will learn which moves should be avoided, as well as how to build the strength to continue doing the things you enjoy.

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