Class Canceled Sunday Sept. 25 th

Hi Qi Friends! 

First, thank you so much for your feel-better notes, they really cheered me up. I do feel much better, but still not well. This virus, whatever variation/mutation it is, is so changeable and unpredictable that I’ve decided to err on the safe side and rest up for a few more days. So, unfortunately, I won’t be teaching this Sunday, September 25. I’ll miss you, but know you understand. I’m hoping I’ll be fine by Tuesday, and will confirm this in Monday’s newsletter.

Please take care of yourselves and stay healthy! It’s good to tap the thymus for a minute or so several times a day, and tap the kidneys, too, along with the lung points. The Omicron virus can spread from a mere whiff of infected air, making it super tough to avoid these days, but I wish you and your family and loved ones lots of health and good immunity.

Have a good weekend,


Cris CaivanoComment