The Pivot Point

“Towards the end of summer comes an interlude of perfect balance, during which Fire burns down and energy mellows, transforming itself into the elemental energy of Earth. Neither yin nor yang predominates during this period; instead, they are in a state of optimum balance. This is the pivot of the cycle, the fulcrum between the yang energies of spring and summer and the yin energies of autumn and winter.”   ---Daniel Reid, “The Complete Book of Chinese Health and Healing”

Isn’t that a nice way to think of this transitional time of year? The end of summer can mean so many things, but I wanted to share with you the concept of it being a moment of perfect balance within change. That fulcrum point Daniel Reid mentions is very much like the point of stillness or suspension between an exhale and the following inhale. There’s a swing, a flow, a natural rhythm to our breath, our body’s circadian cycles, and to the seasons of the year.

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