Strength Training Qigong Style, Part II
Recently I asked if you would like to learn about strength training qigong style, and received an enthusiastic response. So, I set my intention (Qigong style), relaxed (Qigong style), and gave it some space (Qigong style). By the end of the week, I came up with a plan: Each week I will teach one strength-building exercise immediately after the class ends. This will take only about 5 minutes, and is totally optional. I’ll introduce a new exercise each Sunday, then we’ll go over the same exercise again on Tuesday and Thursday. That way, even if you can only take one class a week, you’ll still have the opportunity to learn a new strengthening exercise.
Qigong already incorporates the essential elements of safe and effective strengthening, including, crucially, correct alignment. You simply can’t safely do strengthening exercises of any kind if your bones and joints are not properly aligned. Qigong also stresses the value of regular practice. A committed, regular practice is the best way to learn to sense the flow of energy in our bodies and it’s also the best and only way to build strength! I’ll explain why. On a nuts-and-bolts level, the fact that we stand and move with slightly bent knees in Qigong engages the large quadriceps muscles and other muscles in our legs, feet, and ankles. When we stand in “Horse Stance” this is even more pronounced. Shifting our weight from foot to foot, or side to side, builds even more strength, as do all the balance exercises. Now, in addition, the strength building exercises I will teach after each class will target muscles groups that aren’t as often challenged by Qigong, such as those of the upper body.
What truly motivates me to teach this is that we all know how relaxing, energizing, and enjoyable Qigong is. Well, strength training can be, too, when approached with a compassionate attitude (Qigong style), clear, focused intention (Qigong style) and lots of space and breath (Qigong style). A sense of humor helps, too. As always, I’ll show you how to modify the exercises to suit your body. Please join me! And please write to me if you have any questions, concerns, or requests.