Strengthening the Muscles and Bones, Qigong Style
“A tree beyond your embrace grows from one tiny seed.
A tower nine-story high begins with a lump of earth.
A journey of thousand miles starts with a single step.”
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching 64
From Video Library “How to Strengthen the Core with Plank Pose”
Several of you have asked if Qigong provides enough exercise to strengthen the muscles and bones. It can and does. However, building strength requires time and patience. For instance, holding a standing pose for 5, 10, or more minutes will definitely build strength. One of my teachers, Kenneth Cohen, tells a story of being directed by his teacher to stand in “Embrace the Tree”. The teacher then sat down and read the paper until, 30 minutes later, he could see that Ken was shaking with exhaustion. “OK, you’re done now.” said his teacher.
Building strength requires pushing ourselves slightly beyond what feels comfortable. However, if we are not aligned properly, breathing steadily, and focused on exactly what we’re trying to accomplish, the process can easily derail and become boring at best and injurious at worst. Getting stronger requires regular practice, especially for those of us over 50. That’s why I am working on a new idea: a short appendix to our weekly classes for anyone who wants to build strength to combat osteopenia, osteoporosis, and the normal muscle loss that occurs with age. Stay tuned and watch this space. :~)
Meanwhile, I wrote an entire book about this, you guys! It’s called Strength Training, Staying Fit and Fabulous, and there’s a link to buy it right on my homepage. This second edition is paperback and inexpensive, and will give you all the info you need about getting strong without injury. Please get yourself a copy and read it if you need some encouragement to begin your strengthening journey. I wrote it as a primer for people over 50 who don’t know how to take that crucial first step and it segues nicely with what you’re already learning in our Qigong classes. There are also short videos on my website that teach you how to correctly and safely strengthen the core, abs, knees, and more. Please take advantage of this free resource whenever you need a little push to get moving. The journey starts with a single step, but success comes when we stay on the path.