The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine

The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine is a fundamental text of Taoism and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Written over 2,200 years ago by the legendary sovereign Huang Di, it describes a natural approach to healing in which the various aspects of the world are seen as either contributing to or depleting your life force energy. The season, the weather, your state of mind, foods eaten, relationships enjoyed (or not), sleep patterns, and movement practices are just some of the factors that influence your health. Everything is connected. We strive to keep it connected and harmonious with practices like Qigong.

Recently I’ve had several students tell me they love Qigong because of the way it makes them feel; not just physically, but emotionally. I thought you might enjoy reading how the Yellow Emperor describes this phenomenon:

“…many diseases come from disharmony of the qi. They often involve emotional disharmony. For example, when one is angry, the qi rises upward; when one is joyous, the qi disperses; when one is sad, the qi becomes exhausted; when one is fearful and frightened, the qi descends; when one is anxious, the qi scatters and becomes chaotic; when one overstrains, the qi depletes; when one worries too much, the qi stagnates.”

The text above is just a tiny excerpt from a complex, sophisticated and sometimes mysterious text of healing practices, but it makes sense, doesn’t it? Maybe you recognized a few of your own qi roadblocks in the description above, I know I did! Often our emotions feel as inconvenient and annoying as the weather, but Qigong shows us how to bring our body, spirit, and mind back into healthy balance, thus strengthening our immunity, peace of mind, and ability to enjoy life, whatever comes your way.  As the Yellow Emperor would suggest, I hope you continue to practice every day. Even a few minutes of Qigong will help to keep your good qi flowing.

Cris CaivanoComment