Gathering the Energy of Trees

Hello Qi Friends!

What a fantastic weekend I just had, teaching “Gathering the Energy of Trees” at Kripalu with John and Mary Platt. We were blessed with ideal weather (phew) and the nicest group of participants we could have imagined. Each day we stood under the magnificent trees of the Kripalu campus, sensing and experiencing their gently powerful, healing energy. Later, we shared what we felt and learned. It was fascinating and transformative, just like the trees themselves who continually transform the energy of the earth and sun into themselves. By the way, I use the pronoun “who” consciously when referring to trees because they do indeed feel to me like especially kind, wise people: patient, generous, and available to heal and reassure. We didn’t simply stand under trees: John and Mary and I shared techniques to connect tangibly and vividly to the trees’ energy. We three loved teaching together and the group enjoyed our synergy so much, that we look forward to doing this workshop together again. You will be the first to know!

Cris CaivanoComment