Qi-union ! What a treat to practice with these beautiful ladies In person at Kripalu. We usually meet only on Zoom.
I just returned from a week full of reunions and connections: first to trees, nature, and students, some new, some familiar but not seen in person for years (or ever!). I then reconnected with folks I grew up with but hadn’t seen for 50 years! Teaching at Kripalu immediately followed by my high-school reunion has supplied me with a super dose of heart energy💕. It’s all about connecting, as E.M. Forster wrote in Howard’s End. I learned that 50 years ago in my Sleepy Hollow High School English Lit class. Now--ha! -- I share and practice that lesson each time I/we do Qigong. “Live in fragments no longer”, Forster also advises.
For those of you who weren’t at the “Gathering Energy from Trees with Qigong” course at Kripalu, it was a deep and beautiful reminder of how perfectly integrated Qigong is with nature. Whether under the trees or in front of the computer, there is an endless supply of energy out there and pouring through us, as well. “Just connect.” (Ibid.)
During the next few weeks while we’re on break, I hope you take time to get out in nature and practice Qigong. Even if you’re stuck inside, take some Qi breaks throughout the day to feel as grounded and rooted as a tree, or to soften and flow like water. Maybe you want to goof around with your grandkids, like a monkey! Or practice calm, focused balance like a crane. Be present. Be aware. Relax. Breathe. Feel energy all around and through you. We are always supported by this.
To help you stay connected, I will post a few of our classes from the past on my YouTube channel during the coming month. (Cris Caivano YouTube). There are also lots of short videos in the video library at All are free. I will be off the grid from August 3-13, but available online after that if you have any questions or just want to say “hi”. Happy Summer, everyone!