
Hi, Qi Friends!

I hope you’re all enjoying a lovely summer. I returned from the woods of Vermont about a week ago and am appreciating how much that time of retreat and rest has fed my energy to get back to teaching.

Many of you have requested a video of the Shibashi 18 practice. Here is an excerpt from a class I taught in July. After a short warmup, we worked on and fine-tuned the movements of the practice. I hope you find it helpful and fun to practice with until our classes begin again, on Tuesday, September 3.


Also, mark your calendar, especially if you live in the Dutchess County environs: On Saturday, September 14 at 10 AM, I will be leading a Qigong class at Innisfree Gardens, in Millbrook, NY. The class is part of the Community Day celebrations at the garden, and free for locals. This year, in accordance with Japanese tradition, we’ll be celebrating the Moon Festivals, so I’ll teach three moon-inspired Qigong flows. It should be really fun, and you can then enjoy the rest of the wonderful activities planned for the day at the garden. I look forward to seeing you there!

Meanwhile, enjoy this special time of year, when nature ripens and sweetens as the long, bright growing season reaches its peak.  

Happy Qi!

Cris CaivanoComment