Qigong Silk Reeling for the Hips

QIgong Silk Reeling for the Hips: Bring Flow Back to your Low Back

( link to the class at end of newsletter below)

“Be like water” says the Tao Te Ching. ‘Go with the flow.” I practice this by listening to my students and responding to their curiosity. One thing has come through clearly: a hunger to understand the body’s physical mechanics. Today’s video (CLICK HERE) explains how to work gently yet deeply to free up one of the trickiest areas of the body, the sacroiliac. This is where the bones of the spine connect to the pelvic girdle, quite near the body’s center of gravity. If you sit a lot, this area is probably tight and uncomfortable.  Here’s a fabulous Qigong exercise to bring flow back to your low back and hips. Bonus: as one student pointed out last week “This is working my abs like crazy!”

Our bones, joints, connective tissues, and muscles are the most solid manifestation of our lifeforce and it’s essential to understand how they work. The magic of practicing Qigong, however, is that we learn how to harmonize this physical aspect of ourselves along with the more ephemeral energies of our emotions and mind/spirit. All three energies are ever-changing, just like flowing water. The never boring challenge is learning to keep them flowing harmoniously together, along with our breath and the energy all around us in nature.

Cris CaivanoComment