A Go with the Flow Lesson? A Qigong Pop Quiz
Hi Everyone,
I made a BIG teacher boo boo in this video! I bet those of you who take the Zoom class will figure it out. When you do, send me a note, would you? We’ll turn it into a fun learning experiment for both of us. (I’ll explain in class tomorrow how the exercise itself makes up for my mistake and encourages the correct performance of the movement, even without my cues.)
I considered re-shooting the video, then thought I’d practice what I preach and go with the flow. It’s difficult to present ourselves on Zoom with all our imperfections and short-comings, but working to gently, compassionately embrace our human imperfections as we learn to move beyond them is what I love so much about Qigong and what I try to encourage in our classes. It’s not about perfect form, or perfect serenity, or perfect mindfulness; it’s about noticing and relaxing, noticing and relaxing, all within the methods and techniques we’re learning. We work with what we have in the moment--- that ever-changing moment. This is not an easy task, but it is a simple, healing and potentially joyful one and we can practice it fruitfully for the rest of our lives.
ANSWER; I didn’t mention the breath and how it relates to this movement